Campus computer sites software requests Archived

ITServices will be updating the Campus Computer Sites software images starting in July. All requests are due by June 30th. To find out which sites are available for teaching please see for more information.

If the software you need has been installed in the sites in the past please still put in a request with the version number required.

To request an installation please fill out the form found here:

We will contact you to provide the proof of licensing and all installation media.

Please note that you must have enough licenses for the entire site that you would like the software installed in. An example would be if you want the software in Mac Corry E208 you need to have 18 licenses so we can install the software on all 18 computers.

If you have any questions please email

Thank you for your time and please forward to anyone in your department that might be interested.
  • Publish Date: May 30, 2014 09:17
  • Channels:
  • IT Support Centre