Service outages for power work February 20 Update Archived

Power was restored by 17:15 and all production services restored by 21:20.


Previous Description (2010-02-16 14:04:53):

*Updated with outage for all services*

On Saturday 20 February, power to Dupuis Hall will be shut down in order to replace the main electrical switch. All ITServices e-mail, Web-based, and database services will be affected. During this time, no access to the building will be allowed and there will be extensive service outages and limitations (3:00 AM - 10:00 PM).

3:00 AM - 6:00 AM ALL production servers will be shut down. This includes all email, web-based services, and database services provided to a variety of facilities, departments and offices.

6:00 AM - 10:00PM Most services will continue to be unavailable, with the exception of the following limited services:

Main Web Server

Resumption of services will take about four hours to complete after power is restored.