Intermittant Email Delays to KGH from Queen's Update Archived

The mail delay for Queen’s email addresses sending to KGH has been identified at KGH's email provider. The provider has determined that there is too much mail coming from our servers to KGH and are therefore throttling mail delivery. IT Services has been working with KGH Systems Administration on this issue. We are currently trying to get some questions answered so that we can stop present and future throttling.

We are working on this, but there is nothing we can do until the issue at KGH's email provider has been solved. To date, no mail has been stopped, only delayed since it takes four days for mail delivery to fail. We will send updates as progress is made.


Previous Description (2012-11-21 14:01:48):

Queen's Email is currently experiencing periodic delays sending email to KGH. Although delayed, email is eventually being successfully delivered.

IT Services is working with KGH Systems Administrators to fix this problem.
  • Publish Date: November 27, 2012 16:21
  • Channels:
  • IT Support Centre