Leaked Credentials - Stealer Logs Archived

What is a Stealer Logs?
The Queen’s IT Services Security team recently became aware of the following - In January 2025, Stealer Logs with 71M email addresses were added to the service HIBP (Have I Been Pawned). Stealer Logs is a collection of email addresses, passwords, and the websites where the credentials were entered against. This breach marks the launch of a new HIBP feature enabling the retrieval of the specific websites the logs were collected against. The incident also resulted in 106M more passwords being added to the Pwned Passwords service.
A number of these accounts included credentials belonging to accounts that have @queensu.ca usernames. As a precaution, Queen’s IT Services will expire the passwords of any Queen’s account found to be listed on the breached accounts list to ensure that the password posted will no longer be valid.

What should I do to protect myself?
If you received an email message from IT Services concerning the expiry of your password, please take a moment to change your password before it expires. NetID passwords are changed at https://netid.queensu.ca/selfservice/login/auth

We also encourage you to take the following actions to better protect yourself and your information:
Do not reuse passwords across your accounts.
If you have used your Queen’s password on multiple sites, we strongly encourage you to change that password on every other site where it has been used.
Be extra diligent of scams that may reference your Queen's account.

What data was compromised?
According to the report, 71M email addresses were added to HIBP. This consisted of email addresses, passwords, and the website the credentials were entered. The incident also resulted in 106M more passwords being added to the Pwned Passwords service.
To help understand the source of this information, you will find information below on how to review what services may be tied to your email address via the service called 'Have I been Pwned?"

Why is Queen’s expiring passwords for potentially breached accounts?
Queen’s account holders who fail to follow safe password practices are at risk when breaches like this occur. To protect your Queen’s account IT Services are taking this action to prevent account compromises by ensuring all accounts associated with the posting of credentials have refreshed passwords.

What caused the data breach?
It is not known to us as to the exact cause of this data breach. IT Services received this breach information from the service called “Have I Been Pawned?”. Visiting the website https://haveibeenpwned.com/ will allow you to enter and check your Queen’s University email address against all publicized breaches that reference your Queen’s email address. The site also provides details about the data breach, including links to additional information.

  • Publish Date: January 14, 2025 11:20
  • Channels:
  • IT Support Centre