August 24 - ITS site relaunch Archived
On August 24, ITS will launch its new site in WebPublish 2, causing the majority of ITS URLs to break. Please read below to see what you can do to locate and correct the breakages that will occur.

How do I tell where I’m linking to ITS?
1. Ask your website administrator to log into Siteimprove: (Information about Siteimprove is found on the Accessibility Hub website:
2. Go to the Policies page:
3. Click the “Links to ITS site” policy.

A list of all pages in your site that link to the ITS site will appear. Note that if you have an element in your site that is common to multiple pages (e.g. footer) which links to the ITS site, every page containing that element will be displayed in this list.

What won’t break?
- MyQueen’sU and SOLUS;
- Moodle and onQ;
- NetID activation application; and
- any other pages to ITS services that require visitors to log in.

What else do I need to know?
- The new site has a custom 404 page that directs viewers to use the search bar or A-Z list. This will be displayed for all broken links.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Natasha Redknap at
  • Publish Date: August 20, 2015 14:21
  • Channels:
  • IT Support Centre