Fake AV Alerts Archived
We continue to see alot of infections that begin as a fake virus alert when navigating websites. This type of infection is basically a pop alert telling the user that they have a virus and that they should immediately scan their computer. The window will include a Scan Now button of some other trick to get the user to click on the virus. Once clicked, the program will install itself and cause many possible problems. This may include blocking certain sites, disabling Windows Updates, disabling valid Antivirus programs and causing numerous pop ups.
When this alert appears in a browser, the user should close their browser and ignore the warning in the pop up. It is best to close the window using the X box at the top right corner of the pop up or by pressing Ctrl Alt Del and quitting the application. It is a good idea to run Symantec Antivirus after this type of alert.
Once the virus is active, contact the Support Centre at 613-533-6666 to report the problem and to receive further advice.
As always, keep your operating system up to date and we recommend that you install the latest version of Symantec Endpoint via IDA.