Changes to Matlab Concurrent Licenced Software in Effect June 4, 2012 Archived
Hello administrators and end users of Matlab concurrent licenced software,

As of this Monday, June 4 at 9:00 a.m., Matlab concurrent licenced software will work only if:

1. You have paid Libby White (ITServices Main Office, Dupuis G13) for the new licence period (June 2012 – May 2013), and

2. You have configured your Matlab software to use the new licence server (running since February 2012).

Since February, we have been trying to reach all administrators and end users of Matlab concurrent licences to communicate the impending changes. You are receiving this message because, based on the limited feedback we have received, we are not confident we have reached everyone.

How do I know if I am an administrator of Matlab concurrent licences?
If you purchased Matlab client software from Libby White of ITServices, you are an administrator.

How do I know I am an end user of Matlab concurrent licences?
If you use Matlab and did not have to purchase it individually, and if you do not have to provide your name when logging in, you are probably using a concurrent licence. (The exception is the computer sites, which are being managed by ITServices.)
What’s Changing?

In early 2012, ITServices added a new Matlab licence server to support the latest version of Matlab. We will be decommissioning the older Matlab licence server as soon as possible after migrating all users to the new licence server. As of this date, there are a significant numbers of users still using the old licence server.

When you renegotiate your Matlab licences for 2012-2013, ITServices will be offering only the new licence server option (licence.dat file).
<end quote>

What about older versions of Matlab?
If you run old versions of concurrently licenced Matlab clients, they may not run with the new licence server. If this is the case, contact me directly to discuss what options are available to you.

How do I get help?

1. Your first point of contact is Libby White (Dupuis G13) to pick up an installation disk for Matlab 2012a and the licence.dat configuration file. You need both. If you choose not to install the new version of Matlab 2012a, and you instead choose to continue running your installed older version of the software, you will still need to configure that software with the licence.dat file, which tells your Matlab software the Internet address of the new licence server. Your Matlab software will talk to the new licence server to ask for a licence token.

2. Installation instructions for Matlab 2012a can be found here:

3. The ITServices Support Centre will assist with licence.dat installations. To request help from the Support Centre, call 613.533.6666 during regular business hours, or fill out the online help form.

Thank you,

Seamus Ryan
ITServices, Dupuis Hall
Queen's University
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6