Wireless interuptions Update Archived

ITS will be continuing minor changes to individual Wireless access points across campus.
Saturday October 31th between the hours of 1am & 7am.

This process will cause a reboot of the device.
The reboot will take approximately one minute.

Users may experience loss of internet access or low signal strength during the reboot process.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause, but are confident that this work will result in improved network connectivity.

Previous Description (2015-10-25 13:28:32):

ITS will be making minor changes to individual Wireless access points across campus.
Changes will start Tuesday October 27th between the hours of 1am & 7am, and will continue in the same window, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday.

This process will cause a reboot of the device.
The reboot will take approximately one minute.

Users may experience loss of internet access or low signal strength during the reboot process.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause, but are confident that this work will result in improved network connectivity.