Removal of Phishing Message from Queen's Mailboxes - 180330 Archived
On Friday, March 30th, a malicious email was sent to members of the Queen's community. In keeping with the Electronic Information Security Policy, this message is being removed from all mailboxes using an automated feature in Office 365.

Please delete the message manually from your mailbox if you have received a copy.

If you are not using an Office 365 mailbox or forward your mail outside of Office 365, ITS is not able to automatically remove the malicious message.

If you received this message, clicked the link and entered your credentials, please securely change your NetID password immediately.

If you have any questions please contact the IT Support Centre at x36666.


Date: March 30, 2018 at 8:55:39 AM EDT
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: Access to Queens university portal disabled [ISSUE=3D359048 PROJ=

You have been courtesy copied on the following ITS support ticket:
Ticket: 359048 - Re: Access to Queensu portal

Requester: Receiver

Current Ticket Status: Closed
Last Edit Date & Time: 03/30/2018
Ticket Details:
Entered on 03/30/2018 at 8:43:39 AM EST (GMT-0500) by [REDACTED]:

Your access to university portal has been disabled according to your reques=
t; please see the document below for sending messages and let us know[LINK REMOVED] if you have any questions. Have a good day!

Entered on 03/30/2018
Assigned to FTE
ITS will provide more instruction. And please review this resource guide: [LINK REMOVED]


Queens university Info. Technology.


Confidentiality Warning: This message and any attachments are intended only=
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ileged. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that =
any review, retransmission, conversion to hard copy, copying, circulation o=
r other use of this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If =
you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately by =
return e-mail and delete this message and any attachments from your system.

Information confidentielle : Le pr?sent message, ainsi que tout fichier qui=
y est joint, est envoy? ? l'intention exclusive de son ou de ses destinata=
ires; il est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une information pr=
ivil?gi?e. Nous avertissons toute personne autre que le destinataire pr?vu =
que l'examen, la retransmission, l'impression, la copie, la distribution ou=
toute autre utilisation de ce message et de tout fichier qui y est joint e=
st strictement interdit. Si vous n'?tes pas le destinataire pr?vu, veuillez=
en aviser imm?diatement l'exp?diteur par retour de courriel et supprimer c=
e message et tout document joint de votre syst?me.