Removal of Malicious Message from Queen's Mailboxes - 180628 Archived
On Tuesday, June 26th, a malicious email was sent to members of the Queen's community. In keeping with the Electronic Information Security Policy, this message is being removed from all mailboxes using an automated feature in Office 365.

Please delete the message manually from your mailbox if you have received a copy.

If you are not using an Office 365 mailbox or forward your mail outside of Office 365, ITS is not able to automatically remove the malicious message.

If you received this message, opened the attachment, please securely change your NetID password immediately.

If you have any questions please contact the IT Support Centre at x36666.


Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 12:39 PM
Subject: Tutoring for my son

Good day, My name is [REDACTED]. I got your e-mail at the Department of Chemistry under People's
portal. I seek for a private tutoring in chemistry for my son. My son (Marcus) is 14 years old and i want
him to be under tutoring for 1 month and i would like to know if you will be available to tutor him and I
will provide you with more necessary informations.

Do email me back with following information if you are interested in teaching
him: total cost of tutoring for 1 months (1 hour per day 3 times/week),your years of teaching
Expecting your prompt response.