Removal of Phishing Message from Queen's Mailboxes - 201103 Archived
On Tuesday, November 3rd, a malicious email was sent to members of the Queen's community. In keeping with the Electronic Information Security Policy, this message is being removed from all mailboxes using an automated feature in Office 365.

Please delete the message manually from your mailbox if you have received a copy.

If you are not using an Office 365 mailbox or forward your mail outside of Office 365, ITS is not able to automatically remove the malicious message.

If you received this message, clicked the link and entered your credentials, please securely change your NetID password immediately.

If you have any questions please contact the IT Support Centre at x36666.

We have provided part of the removed message for your reference at the bottom of this email.

Sender: [REDACTED]
Subject: Warning
Date: November 3rd, 2020

Attn: Email Account User,

Database clean up and refreshing of all Email is being carried out. To ensure the existence and functionality of all email accounts you are to verify your email account details by clicking on the link below and verify your email details.

[LINK REMOVED] to Update

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