Possible Network/Phone Disruptions Update Archived

The following is a tentative schedule for repairs in the Fleming Hall data centre:

On Saturday, March 8, power in Fleming Hall will be turned off between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to perform equipment repairs. The data network and telephone system will continue to operate during this time.

On Monday, March 10, between 5 and 7 a.m., the building emergency power feed will be moved from the building generator to a temporary generator. The data network will continue to operate from utility power. The telephone system should continue to operate on battery power during this work, but there is a possibility that the batteries may not hold for the entire work period. If battery power fails, there will be no telephone service until it is completed. The work is being planned to ensure the outage period is minimized.

Updates will follow next week as we confirm times for transfer back to regular equipment.


Previous Description (2014-03-05 12:11:23):

ITServices is currently experiencing power issues in its main data centre in Fleming Hall. The facility houses network and phone services and is currently running on back-up power.

Currently, no services have been affected, but we are monitoring the situation and will provide you with updates via email and on our notifications page if circumstances change.