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Devices Infected with Ransonware on Queen's Network Update Archived

Windows file share connections to off campus servers are now blocked.

This action has been taken to contain the impact of WannaCry infected computers, and is a recommended security practice. Windows file sharing servers off campus are no longer directly accessible from the campus network. If access is required, a VPN or similar tunnelling technique must be used.


Previous Description (2017-09-13 15:30:47):

Good afternoon,

ITS is receiving indications there are computers infected with the WannaCry ransomware on the network. This variant of ransomware accesses systems through known weaknesses in operating systems and can spread very quickly.

Urgent Action Required:
Ensure that all computers in your responsibility are urgently updated with the latest patches, and that you have a backup copy of important files.

You may contact the IT Support Centre at (613)533-6666, or your ITAdmin Representative for assistance.

Note: Queen’s does not agree to pay any ransom or other type of demand. Payment of ransom by Queen's employees will not be reimbursed.

Thank you,
Denise Ernst,
Information Security Officer
Queen's University